Those of you who have been visiting mefor a bit would remember this quilt ...

This is what I spent much of my time working on earlier in the year ....
It's called Little Monsters and you can find it in this months Homespun Magazine. You can also read a little more about it here ....

I made it for my littlest monster!!!!! Joshua finally has a quilt for his bed!!!
I spent last weekend in Adelaide at Hettie's Patch teaching another great group of women...

Top row from left to right - Valerie, Gai, Julie, Lisa, Julie, Helen, Carolyn, Meredith, Linda, Danielle, Jann, Vicki, Kathy, Megan
Front Row - Lorraine, Me, Kelly & Louise
(missing from this photo are Anne & Janette)

I designed another little project specifically for the class to practice on ... this time it had a Christmas twist. I have called this little one First Day of Christmas.
I also partly made another to go with the pastel Christmas theme I have going on this year.

Valerie who is in black sitting beside me in this photo is also joining us in the Joseph's Coat Quilt Along! You can also see some of my blocks in the bottom of this photo. Valerie has even made herself a lovely case to keep her blocks in! But I'll show you that later ...
Standing beside me is Megan! Megan used a brown spot for her tree trunk not such a great photo but it really looked spectacular!

This is Valerie's project ... looks wonderful doesn't!

This is Linda who worked really hard and got some great results!

This is Louise & Kathy who were both absolute stars!!!!

This is Kathy's first practice!

... and well what can I say about Louise who just took to this like a duck to water!

Janette (left) struggled until she got herself a 'proper' machine to play with ;). Helen took her new machine out for a spin and really created a great little practice piece...

Janette with a borrowed Bernina 440!

Helen plans to bind and back her pillow with some beautiful French General fabric so I can't wait to see the finished project.

Linda worked really hard preparing her projects

Carolyn got right into it and had her practice piece ready to bind by the end of the day on Sunday!

Meridith, on the other hand, whilst her work was excellent ... spent far too much time SMSing her friends trying to make them jealous!!!

Julie worked on the First Day of Christmas using all of my very best fabrics!!!!

Daniele ... a quiet achiever sat and slogged away and really produced some stella work!

This is Ann's project. Ann is currently also working on Lilly Pilly. She has decided to use raw edge on the leaves rather than turning the edges. I can't wait to see how you get on with it Ann!

Lisa came all the way from Sydney to surprise her sister Gai and to take part in the class with her! Sorry that the photo isn't that clear girls. That's Leanne in the background ... so you can be certain that this crappy photo wasn't taken by her!

I have left a couple of my quilts visiting with Lorraine so if you are in the area and would like to take a peek make sure you stop by!

Anna.. your Lilly Pilly loved visiting with the girls in Adelaide .... and I have to admit that she has now taken a quick trip here before she makes her way to the other side of the world to finally settle down to a calmer home life with you! For the rest of you guys Anna has a rather spectacular Advent Calender tutorial on her blog at the moment so you should take a quick peek.
Oh and remember that little paper bag at the start of these photos ... well I had to fill it with something before I came home!
I am collecting greens at the moment for something I hope to make a start on in the new year...
This one is my absolute favorite!!!!!
It just screams backing fabric don't you think?
I am trying something a little different with my photos of fabric ... if this works correctly you should be able to swipe your cursor over the fabric photos and the names of the fabrics should be listed so that you can find them if you want to ... if I know the names that is ;)
Josephs Coat - First Month Round Up!
I think that we are off to a sterling start! Well done to everyone who has already started posting their progress photos on the Flickr page. Sadly, many of you have now overtaken me so maybe I will need to bring in penalties for making the Host look bad ... just kidding!!! I have just made a start on my 8th block ... there has been so much happening here of late ... I'm sure now that all of my teaching engagements are over for the rest of the year, I will have time to get stuck into it again!
So here are all of the people who have managed to finish at least 6 blocks which was the last target...
Don't Look Now! Quiltsalot

Quilts & Threads Good4Once

Marielle (first to 7 blocks) Gina Quilts
Tamara Farm Girl Birrabank

Love Laugh Quilt
From these I had Joshua pull a name from a hat (well actually it was a bowl ...... oh and obviously my name wasn't included!) and he came up with Tamara Farm Girl who I will send off a copy of How does your garden grow? (please email me your details Tamara)
The second patterns goes to Sweet Liberty Grace - random photo chosen number 72 of 76. Beautiful block! (please email me your details, thanks!)

Finally I have to also mention my favorite project so far which is this one ...

mind you Cabbage Quilts AKA Cathy hasn't sewn down her petals yet and still isn't convinced that her background colour is quite right!!!!??? Go figure! Anyway I love these colours and I think she also deserves a pattern so make sure you email me your details Cathy!
The next goal is 9 blocks which we should have finished by the end of next week ... from there, there will only be 5 more blocks to go before we put together our first two rows!!!
Next set of incentives ....
A pattern for one of the people who post a photo of their first 9 finished blocks
One pattern for a random photo chosen from those posted between now and the next review.
Plus one more ... but I will need to think a little more as to how I will dish this one out.
As promised ... a couple of photos of Valerie's block holder & blocks ...
aren't they great? I want a block holder now!!!

I have also had a few suggestions that it may be fun to have simultaneous get togethers / sew-ins all around the world for those joining in with the quiltalong ... what do you think? Obviously this would need to be after Christmas now ... but I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
Thank you everyone for playing along so nicely and for also making this a fun project to host!!
I hadn't intended to show you this until next post but what the heck .... the girls at Hettie's got to take a peek so it isn't a secret any more ;) ....

this is the latest little tid bit that I have been playing with. It's called With Love From Me. This project has been designed specifically with Christmas in mind however the pattern will include a couple of alternative ideas and templates to make it suitable for other purposes such as a child's Christening or to commemorate a birth or what ever really! The pattern should be ready by early next week.
Before I go there are a few things that you wont want to miss this week!!!
Ballarat Patchwork are having their annual 20% off sale this week!!! This is for online orders as well!!!
GJ's Discount Fabrics (still blogless!!!) are also having a sale all week 25% off! I spent my pocket money there yesterday ....
Addicted to Fabrics who are located in the ACT are also having a sale this weekend ... and if you stop by you will find Oh Christmas Tree, Lilly Pilly, Love BIrds, Willow & several of the Pretty 'n Pink pillows visiting their store ... they will be enjoying a month visiting with Jenny and her entourage ... wish I could have come too .... I have long wished to visit this shop!
Now go and do some serious fabric shopping guys ... quickly ... before you waste all your money on frivolous things like food, Christmas Presents and the like ;) !!!
Enjoy your week!
PS. Pretty much all of the photos that I have used from the Hettie's workshop have come from the Master!! Well certainly the good ones anyway!!! Make sure you go take a look at Leanne's blog her photos really are inspiring! Thanks Leanne!