I turned my Honey Bunny applique into a small cushion but you could do lots of different things with yours ... like put the design on a library bag or kids tote. It would look very cute on one of my art smocks or if you wanted to make a cushion but wanted one a little larger then you could add some simple borders and adjust the size of the pillow back - ie. increase the length of the side edges by 1/2 of the total measurement that you have increased the cushion by (don't increase the length of the edges where the zip will be fitted!)... does that make sense??? Clear as mud right???
These instructions will show you how to insert a zip and create a flap to cover it ... I am no seamstress by any stretch of the imagination however these instructions will give you a good and neat result.
Last little bits and pieces that you will need if you want to turn yours into a little cushion ....
10" x 13" rectangle of fabric for cushion back
4" pink check for binding
8" zip
Final Steps ...
1. Cut your centre applique panel back to 10" square - make sure you double check your measurements before you cut to avoid tears!
Construct the back ...
2. Cut one 10" x 5 3/4" rectangle from cushion back fabric - top half of cushion back
3. Cut one 10" x 6 1/2" rectangle from cushion back fabric - lower half of cushion back
4. Mark the centre points of one 10" side of each of each cushion back piece & the zip. Lay the lower half of the cushion back out right side up and the zip wrong side up along one 10" side of the lower cushion back matching centre points and raw edges. Pin in place. Using your zipper foot sew along the edge of the zip & fabric as close to the zipper teeth as possible.
5. Lay the zip & fabric flat and press. Sew a row of top stitching close to the fold securing the zip & fabric in place.
6. Lay the top half of the cushion back right side up on a flat surface. Place the other edge of the zip wrong side up along one 10" edge matching center points & raw edges. Pin in place. Sew along the edge of the zip & fabric as close to the zipper teeth as possible.
7. Lay the cushion back flat right side up. Press. Mark 1" up from the fold line that you have just created. Fold along this marked line and take the fold down over the zip creating a flap over the zip. Pin in place - mark the end points of the zip.
8. Beginning at one edge sew close to the fold until you reach the beginning of the zip. Pivot and sew up across the end of the zip until you reach the point just below the top edge of the zip. Pivot again and sew along the length of the zip, securing the flap, stopping at the end of the zip. Pivot and sew back down across the zip end. Finally pivot again and sew back along the final edge close to the fold. Refer below...
9. Lay out the cushion top wrong side up. Place the cushion back on top of the cushion top right side up. Pin in place. Baste in place around the entire edge of the cushion 1/4" from the edge.
10. Cut two 2" strips of binding from the pink check fabric. Join the two sections using a mitered seam. Trim the seam to 1/4" & press open. Press binding strip in half length ways. Pin binding to the right side of the cushion top matching raw edges and leaving a 3" to 4" tail of binding free. Pin in place and sew in place using a 1/4" seam finishing 1/4" from the side edge. Securing your stitching at the start and finish points.
11. Fold the binding back creating a 45 degree fold. Fold binding back over the fold matching raw edges with the next side of the pillow top - refer to the photos below;
12. Sew along the edge continuing in the same manner until you reach the side where you began. Pin the corner & side in place and overlap the start & end points of the binding by 2" and trim to these points.
13. Open out the binding. With right sides together position the first binding edge along the side edge of the tail end of the binding - see below.
14. Mark a 45 degree line as shown below. Sew along line.
15. Open the binding out and ensure that it sits nicely in place. Once you are satisfied trim seam allowance to 1/4" and finger press open. Reposition binding in place along the edge of the pillow and sew in place.
16. Turn the folded binding edge to the back of the pillow top and sew it in place by hand manipulating the corners to sit nicely.
Yay! You're finished!!!!
I hope you have fun making this little cushion! It comes together very quickly and is a great little project to try out your raw edge applique on. Janet emailed me a shot of her version yesterday ... there are no flies on this woman I am telling you!!!! You will find the finished version in the photo album. Janet is also having a giveaway so make sure you take a look!
Ranette has also been busy!
So I guess you guys remember this from my last post ...
Meg's Garden is in issue number 71 of Australian Homespun Magazine ... for those of you who find it difficult to get your hands on this magazine you can order it on line from here and have it sent to you ... and it will be in your hot little hands in no time at all!!!
I always have a lot of people ask me about my sock monkey's. I don't sell these and I wont be making a pattern or doing a tutorial on them ... but this woman does sell them and just between you and me her's are a whole lot nicer than mine!!!!
Talking about amazing women ... check out what what Lynn has been upto ... it is looking great isn't it!!!!! She has also made a great little quilt that you should take a peek at too! Valerie has made a beautiful wall hanging using the Flower Garden pillow applique shapes and there are some new photos form some blogless girls that I will also add to the photo album.
OK I must go ... I have spent way too much time here in my typepad world this past few days. Next week I am going to start some Mother's Day gifts for our school stall and get to work on a quilt for one of the boys that I have been dreaming about for quite some time!
I hope you have had a great Easter and enjoyed the wonderful relaxing family time that comes at this time of the year. I will leave you with one last photo ...
...our kids forgot to leave the Easter Bunny a snack this year ... obviously this really pissed the Easter Bunny off as she pooped on our coffee table!!!!
Have a great week!
PS. OK, just one more photo ... of Joshua & his very best friend in the whole wide world ... who were two very cute rainbows in our local festival's parade a couple of weeks ago ...