How on earth did the 23rd of April turn into the 13th of April? So much for my New Years resolution to post shorter, more frequent posts. The problem with blogging is that the longer you leave it between posts the more there is to share which makes writing the post even more daunting!
I really do have lots to share ... but from this point forward I am going to limit my posts to one or two points ... or at least that is the plan!
The Joseph's Coat project has seen one of the participants, Lina finish her quilt top!
How amazing is this quilt? You really have done a terrific job Lina & it has been an absolute pleasure having you join in! You have participated with such enthusiasm! I have enjoyed watching your progress and I I looking forward to now watching you go through the quilting process!
Lina has completed her quilt using a machine applique technique which I will use for the alternative quilt that I plan to start later in the year.
In my last post I asked for those of you who were joining in to write a progress post so that we could all visit and take a look at your project so far. Thank you so much to those of you who took the time to do this ... believe me I know how hard it is to find time to blog!!! ;) I have really enjoyed popping over and 'meeting' you all! You all really have the makings of some wonderful quilts!
If you would like to visit these guys blogs skip down to the bottom of my last post and and follow all of the links ...
I also promised a bit of a giveaway for one of you who did join in with the progress post ... because there wasn't that many of you and because I have kept you waiting for such a long time ....I have decided to give you all a little something ...
I have decided to give away 3 rolls of the of Stitch & Wash Fusible rather than one ... so they are going to ...
Quilting in the Pines who left the 8th link ...
Mespetitelefants who left the 13th link and ..
Tamara who left the 18th link.
... and to everyone else I would love to send you each a copy of Wish you were here!
Could all of you that have included your link prior to this time email me your snail mail details so that I can send the things off to you.
As for my progress with my Joseph's Coat ... well sadly I have hardly even picked my blocks up since my last post!
The Patchwork House Joseph's Coat class was a good one ... particularly because it was a terrific group of girls! Some how I managed to forget to take a group photo so I only have a few little snap shots of the day ...
I have decided to continue to run this class every 6 to 8 weeks for the time being ...
this time we will try holding it on a Thursday as it seems that Tuesdays are bad days for so many of you.
Many of those who attended the last class plan to return to the next one so if you would like to come along make sure you contact Kylie as soon as possible.
Joseph's Coat at Patchwork House
Thursday the 10th of June
10am - 3pm
Ok ... that's it ... let's see if I can keep up the whole 'short and sweet' plan! ...No ... I can't possibly go with out a little peek at what I have been doing while I have been an absentee blogger!
Can you guess what this quilt is?
You are only seeing the backing fabric in the first two photos ...
Does this help a little more? You will find this one in Quilters Companion in a couple of months time.
... and as for this tiny little snippet ... this one ... providing all goes well will be coming with me to the Spring Market in just a few short weeks!