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  • I (heart) pink!
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Quilts in progress

  • Star Burst.
    These are pictures of my quilts I have started & not completed. NB. this may not be a complete list of all quilts that I have in progress as my husband may catch sight of this!


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March 12, 2010


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Gosh Kellie -- they're all so beautiful! I really can't decide which color combo I like best, but I really LOVE that antique one!!!


Wow, wow, wow! These are looking amazing!


Wow exactly! Each one posted is beautiful. I am getting the bug to start my own Joseph's Coat. I just found the blog about a month ago. Kellie's tutorial must be perfect since all of the pictures show awesome work. As I have said so many times recently, the quilts coming out of Australia are so cool, I love all the white fabric! Greetings from Texas, Lisa

Lynn T

Everyone's blocks are just beautiful! I am at a standstill with mine as I have been sick. That antique Joseph's coat is beautiful and makes me want to continue with mine!

Anyway, I always look forward to reading your posts and look forward the a dvd free motion tutorial pleeeeeaaaaasee!!!!!


I am leaving on a quilt retreat in 5 minutes, so I will have my rows finished when I get home on sunday. And will make a post on monday. Sadly the links 1, 2 and 4 are not working, something went wrong there.



Thanks again for all of your hard work. I just LOVE the antique quilt. It is nice to hear that it isn't perfect....

Sandy N


I can't believe only 2 of us have linked yet! I'm looking forward to meeting you in Qld next weekend!
See you soon, Jessica

Annie Wynen

Beautiful work and busy fingers


I've left a link to my update post. I wonder if the other participants didn't read down far enough in the post to see Mr. Linky???

Holly - Two Cheese Please

Hi Kellie,

Wow you've been busy! I just love this quilt - I wish I had the time to sew along! Applique is one of my favourite things ever - especially needle turn. It seems the more tedious and meticulous the craft, the more I love it!

Just writing to say I recently bought your Lily Pily quilt pattern and used it for a mini quilt for DQS8. You make the best patterns - thank you! My finished mini is here if you would like to see how it turned out:

Holly xxox

Judy Evans

Finally finished sewing the first two rows together and worked out how to join mr linky. I have also been admiring the other Jacobs quilts and I am glad that I joined this quilt along.


Yay...i won a prize!!!
I'm making slow but steady progress on the blocks and i have enough for another 3 rows. I will post about it but currently have an auction going on so will update at the weekend and add my info to Mr Linky.


Love the progress shots - wow some people have been really busy. Love all the different colour combinations/fabrics used. My hands have been playing up so I have had to cut back on the hand stitching for a while. However I have used my orphan blocks as part of a quilt backing which has worked really well.


Hi Kellie, loved seeing all the other colour combinations - great to see them growing on Flickr too! I have done the Mr Linky thingy to my blog.

Danielle x


Hi Kellie,
Have done the Mr Linky thing but still having trouble getting on to Flickr, will add my photos once I can log on again. Thank you so much for the class yesterday, I had a fantastic time.


Wow Kellie, I bet you wish you were twins so you could get even more done! You are a dynamo, and your talent is matched only by your energy. I love seeing you getting the recognition you deserve.


Mary on Lake Pulaski

Great work all of you busy bees! I must have missed this post when I was in Florida (oh the downfalls of travel). So I just added my link today!


Oh Kellie I am trying so hard to finish my UFO's, maybe if I start the Joseph Coat, its classed as a UFO! Again love your work and cant wait till I can come to a class


I am still ironing melons Kellie... I will catch up I will I will...he he...I visited all the others on the mr linky and its so great to see what they have done... very inspiring...and to see all the progress reports since mr linky came on the scene... he is a great encourager... Great idea for the Link... keeps us moving... he he... Thanks again for the pattern...
Hugs Dawn x x x

Linda Luggen

I have just found this blog through a friend. I know most are almost finished with Joseph's Coat and I love it. I want to do it, but can't seem to find a pattern. Since I have never followed a blog before, did you have the pattern in the beginning and will I be able to continue to look back at the directions for quite a while? Thanks.

Kris Hopper

I had a question about Alphabet Soup - It look as though in the picture you did the quiting before you layed down the appliqué - is that correct? If so, how did you then do the appliqué??? Thanks!

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