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  • Rocket Ship Pillow
  • Flower Garden Pillow
  • How to add a hanging pocket, make mitered joins & match stripes on binding strips!
  • Pointer Finger Pin Cushion
  • Kids Art Smocks

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  • I (heart) pink!
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Quilts in progress

  • Star Burst.
    These are pictures of my quilts I have started & not completed. NB. this may not be a complete list of all quilts that I have in progress as my husband may catch sight of this!


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February 11, 2010


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The dress and monkeys are so cute! I love the pillows...pretty flowers!

I've come late to your wonderful blog, but you've inspired me to be brave and try applique - the colour combinations you use are so pretty and I'm urging my little one to grow (he's only 1) so I can make him a painting smock with funky rockets on it. Happy blogging birthday!


I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog. I just love watching what you create, it is always so beautiful.


I'd love to win one of the prizes - your work is incredibly beautiful and inspiring.


Fabulous! Every quilt is amazing! Even my non-quilting daughter found your blog. She wants me to make the monster quilt! Congratulations on two years!


Happy blogaversary! You always use such happy fabrics and your work is just beautiful!!!!

Robin C

Happy Blog Anniversary! I am so glad I found your blog. It's such an inspiration to see what you have designed and created.

Now you have that kitten, He is just gorgeous. I love cats. Have 6! they are addictive. Enjoy the little baby and have a great day!

it's snowing in Richmond Virginia again today!


congratulations to you on your blogaversary!

I wish I was still living in Sydney and I could go to your class... it is a bit far away from here in Budapest now :-)
thanks for the chance to win!

Susan M.

I love the tree quilt... just beautiful!!!


Congratulations on your two years anniversary. You've done so incredibly well for yourself and inspired heaps of people along the way. THANK YOU!
PS: Little Tom is just adorable.

Mary Grace McNamara

Congrats! What fun pictures! Your quilts are gorgeous. I love how the colorful parts poof out of the quilt and the backgrounds are heavily quilted with such cool designs. Good looking bunch of kids too! And who can resist a kitten? Just darling!



Congratulations! I've made good use of the awesome stuff you share lately. I made a tissue holder for a friend who's mom died. And the tutorial for your pillow was good help for a million little raw edge bits I did this week. Thanks for all you share!


Congratulations Kellie on all the new things that you've been blessed with these past two years. It's been a fun journey joining you as you show us your stunning works of art. Here's to another two years of wonderful firsts for you.

Sue Bone

Happy anniversary. I'll celebrate with you tomorrow by finishing the rabbit project you shared on your blog last year.


Happy anniversary!!


Happy blog-anniversary!I love all your designs, they are so colourful and always make me happy. Thank you for sharing them with us on your great blog.

Ruth B

Happy 2 years!! Your thank you cushion is gorgeous as always. Your designs and fabric choices are always so bright and happy. Adorable pic of your must be a very busy mom! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with those of us in cyber-space.


wow great 2 years of wonderful blogging, I love your design so much, really beautiful and amazing work, thanks for the chance

Hugs Cornelia


Lovely post! Happy anniversary. Your work is always so inspiring, with the lovely colors and designs! They make the world brighter and happier!


Happy blog anniversary!! You make so many wonderful things and it is a joy to follow your blog!
I'd love to win in your giveaway as it is really hard to find the things you are giving away here in Sweden. And ythe bright and colorful pattern would really brighten the days here in the North where the days are very short right now.
Thanks for a lovely blog,
Lotta in Sweden

Scented Sweetpeas

I am new to blogging and am already addicted! Wow those things you make are gorgeous - do you sell to people in the UK at all?


happy bloggiversary, it is almost my two year bloggiversary as well.


happy blog birthday, I've really enjoyed all your posts, and am looking forward to the next years worth of beautiful quilting xoxo


Happy anniversary! Thank you for all the great patterns and inspiration that you share with us! Sharonj.


Happy Blogiverary! I love seeing what you are doing! It is all so pretty it just makes me smile!


Those kittens are adorable! My daughter has been wanting a kitten for the longest time but we have two dogs and my husband doesn't care for cats...just waiting for the day that her big brown eyes can change his
Happy blogiversary, you art is beautiful!


Wow Kellie, your giveaways sure are enticing! Tom is a cutie. I wish lived slightly closer to be able to take a class with you!


I love your patterns, and have bought 2 in the U.S. through Twiddletails. I'd love to win another one!


I look forward to everyone of your blog posts, updates on your lovely children, the happy bright colors of your projects, your unceasing's always a pick-me-up!

I'm finally starting my Joseph's Coat project this week! I signed up on Mr. Linky as #2, it's taken me long enough to actually get to work!



Happy blogiversary! I love your work. Thanks for entering me in your lovely giveaway.


congrats on your blogoversary - i love seeing your posts and your work is inspiring - such beautiful patterns and fantastic fabrics! Those little kittens are sooo cute!!! wish i lived nearer so i could attend one of your workshops!!!!



Congratulations on your blog anniversary and your wonderful career. Your work is just incredibly beautiful and so deserving of success!


WooHoo!!! Happy Blogaversary Kellie!!! I love your blog and am so happy when I see it light up in my reader. And a new kitty! Kitties and quilts are a match made in heaven -- now you have a little quilting helper!


Congrats on your blogaversary! I've recently discovered your blog and think I will always be in awe of your work, incredible!


Again a wonderful giveaway for a gorgeous & inspiring work. Fingers crossed, february is my birthday month !


Congratulations on two years! I always find so much inspiration here, and truly appreciate what you do and all you offer to us. Thanks so much! And your new kitty is a cutie! :)

Vicki W

Congratulations on your Blogiversary and your success!


Congratulations on your 2 years and a few days of blogging. Please continue blogging and making all these lovely patterns!


Love your blog - Congratulations!!


2 and 1/12th years? Has it really been that long? During that time, you have made me feel great after reading your blog and seeing all your lovely work. I look forward to the next 2 and 1/12th years and more after that


Love you blog. Thanks for the draw.


Blogland is such a wonderful place.. Friendship... Joy and creativness... and much more... and perfect for us living in other countries that the news of new patterns travels instant...;o)
So THNKAYOU for designing wonderful things for us..
Hugs from Sweden...


Great post and lovely work, please count me in the draw.


Congratulations on the last couple of years!
Your workshop students have produced some fabulous work
What a great giveaway too - never heard of some of the products
Here's to the next two years ...
Chris x


I am inspired by your use of color and technique.. Please add me too your giveaway as well!


oh those flowers are super.
wander if i ever could be so good that i can do that.

al the students work look great


wishes, true and kind

So much eye candy and such a generous giveaway! I think my head may explode! Happy blogaversary!



Congratulations on your blogiversary! I love all your beautiful work! I just wished I lived closer so I could take your classes!

The Chocolate Cat

Congratulations on your blogoversary! It is always inspiring to visit. That Tom kitten is so cute, sure he is a real time waster in your home!!


Congratulations! you always make such a beautiful patterns with fantastics fabrics! wonderful giveaway!

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