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« Joseph's Coat - Cutting your fabric & making your applique shapes | Main | This little quilter went to market ... »

November 07, 2009


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This is just beautiful! Thank you for such clear pictures and instructions. I am just learning to applique and it was so nice to find this tutorial. I may have to add this project to my list...

Jennifer :)


Oh my! I'm really going to have to get a move on here.


Gosh, that's inspirational!

And funny you should mention Chilford - it's about 10 miles from my house and I am indeed planning to head along on Sunday!


Oh Kellie! Your stitching is SOOOO perfect! This is an awesome project. Thanks to your little camera helper. And thanks for the fun tricks and tips!


Thanks ever so much for the tutorial. I am working on beginning quilting. :)


Great instructions!! I just found you and this project. I was checking out some of the links on your MR LINKY page and there are quite a few that don't link to anything or they link to blogs where there is no mention of this project. Also, the color used for the links is the same color as windows uses to show visited links which makes it hard to tell which ones you have gone to. Just a couple things that you may wish to check out to make it easier for everyone who is actually doing this project. I am still deciding if I will join in to make this right now or not. I love handwork to it is EXTREMELY tempting!


I am trying to find the best way to get the pattern on my block. I marked the middle, but how do I know that I pinn the petals on the right plce and not turn the block to much?

The Chocolate Cat

Oh I am going to the show on Saturday, normally on a stand there but we aren't having one this year so Mum and I are looking forward to just visiting! I will pop in and say hi!


I did it, Kellie, I did it! My compass (stinky thing from decades ago) wouldn't go as large as 5.5", but I just finished drafting my own 6" block. I'm so excited! Thanks for your excellent instructions. They really are stellar.


This is such a wonderful tutorial. I only wish I had the time to play along.
I can't believe Joshua took some of those photos. What a little star!
Makes me feel more confident in the gift I bought for Ella's 4th birthday in a few weeks. A pink camera ... a real one!!
I'll be looking out for you at Quilt Market next weekend.
Andi x


What a great tutorial! I do applique that way too, and I can see how much you love it!

Sandy Gray

Very clear instructions and wonderful photos Joshua. Well done!


I have finished my block but have no clue how to get it into the flickr group :-(


I did it, I am the first to post a photo. I am so very very happy. I am sure my 4 kids will be so thrilled when I teel them in the morning Here in the Netherlands it is 11 o clock in the evening so they are all asleep now (age 7, 9, 11 and 13)


By the way I am nr 109 in te mr Linky list


Excellent instructions and fabulous photos from your star photographer Kellie. Thank you once again for all the time and effort. Special thanks to Joshua.
I have a question, will we be able to see any seams once we get to block joining? It looks like you've worked with a strip of fabric rather than squares.

Chriss Jasper

Excellent lesson, and so much nformation! I see others have actually made their first one and I am still waiting for my fabric to arrive - but I have done the other stuff, all in readyness! Thank you so much for sharing this technique and your knowlege with us, it is very much appreciated.
Congratulations to Joshua, maybe a budding photographer there.


I'm in Queensland at the moment. Visited 'The Patchwork Angel', they have a lovely display of your patterns....they were raving about you!!!!!


I can't wait to get started! I'm still waiting for my stitch and wash to arrive.....sigh....


I'm stitsching away Kellie but since we're not stitching the outer edges, I was wondering how far up we stitch on the inside. Is it to the outer points on the shapes or leave the points free at this stage?


Wow. I knew this was going to be a lot of work but was I in for a surprise. I've actually enjoyed it though! Especially your tip about the thread and which end to use. I've fought with tangled thread for the last time :) Now, can you tell me an easy way to thread that itty bitty needle hole? LOL

Make sure to thank Joshua for the excellent photos he took! I wouldn't be where I am with out them, which is almost done with my first block! Yay!


I'm waiting on my stitch & wash to arrive too... I can't wait to get started :)
Thanks for yet another set of detailed and easy to follow instructions - Joshua's photos are GREAT! I know I will be able to master this technique. I've been too intimidated to try needleturn, but your technique looks do-able :)
You're so generous Kellie, not only with all the free tuition on this project, but with the incentive giveaways to keep us all motivated.
I'm off to check out Marielle's block on flickr!

wishes, true and kind

Great tutorial! Thank you so much!


Mary on Lake Pulaski

Any tips Kellie on how to do petal placement when your (my) background fabric is chocolate brown?


Oh this is beautiful!!!! you are a superstar!


Awesome Kellie! Thanks so much, just waiting for a wee package to arrive with some fabric ... once that arrives I think the kids may go feral =) Joshua has done a sterling job on the photos! And you have done an amazing job on the instrustions! Super!!

Off to see what people have done on flicker!


How is the pay for a hand model LOL. Tell Joshua he did a great job. I decided not to tag along with this quilt as I am going to do Lilly Pilly in Jan. but the tutorial is great so thanks I am sure they will help me with Lilly Pilly. Looking forward to catching up on the weekend.

Shelly in So. Cal.

Thanks soo much Kellie, this is a wonderful project. I love the Kaffe Fassett fabrics and I have a few that I am anxious to use. I have ordered some of the Kaffe charm packs so I can have a wide variety of fabrics. Just a little FYI, if you have charm packs (the 5" squares) the arc will fit across diagonally and then you will have the extra triangles on either side for another project..... for those of you soo inspired!!! hee hee

Mary on Lake Pulaski

My link on Mr. Linky needs fixing. It goes to a specific OLD post, not just to my blog where I am documenting my progress on Joseph's coat.


Thank you, thank you, thank YOU, Kellie!!!


Good evening,
excuse me in advance for my inferior English, i'm french!
I discover your blog and I find your really magnificent creation!!
I begin in patchwork and I am very admiring of your work, that makes dream....
Congratulation Jessica


oh you are too kind to share!!!!

good luck getting ready for market! I'm looking forward to coming and saying hi to you and ordering some lovely patterns!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm busy just organising the household for the day so I can't imagine your rush getting a stall ready! deep breaths and caffeine and chocolate always work for me!

Rose Marie

I have my first block all pinned up but am slightly confused. Your large photo with all the arcs or circles sewn together .... how did you do that? Do you have a full size photo that we can see? Oh my .... so many questions. This is very intriguing, but confusing.


Love it - but don't quite get the background blocks. Your sample looks like you are using a huge piece of fabric, but I thought the directions said to applique each circle (12 petals)onto a 12" background piece. Will probably wait until I see how you piece the 12" blocks together before I jump in.


Very beautiful!!! You did a great job with the instructions! This might be in my future quilting! TFS!!


I agree I also see you are placing them on one large sheet of white - I would love to see how they are put together. If you will.. = DD or if you could tell us WHEN you'll be posting this.


Hi Kellie, I was also wondering if you could clear up the blocks question from the women above. I've been looking at the flickr account and I've seen both "blocks" made with the petals sewn onto one solid background and some with 12 petals sewn in a circle on a single square. Which is correct?



Oh I love this quilt and love the applique prep technique you use soooo.....count me in on the quilt along please, if it is not too late to join! This is going to make my applique so much better! Thanks! Off to go buy a compass and stabilizer!


Ok ETA I found Mr Linky and added my name! So excited as I have the perfect fabric for this wonderful quilt! Thanks Kellie!


I have just uploaded my photot in flickr, with my 7 finished blocks. I am having so much fun making these. But the last one wasn't fun anymore because my hands are sore, because I stitched so many hours in 8 days. Now I am taking a brak for 2 days and then I start with block nr 8

Karen Beigh

I just found this tutorial today. Never heard of the Stitch & Wash and have just gone to a site that explains it. What a neat trick. Thank you for informative tutorial with all the great photos.


I so want to make this - I have bought the supplies, drafted my pattern and made the templates. But that is where I have stopped. Christmas crafting has got in the way. It may be a while before I get back to this project. You can remove me from the linky list and I will just follow along quietly when I get to it.


Wow Kellie, looks amazing. I havnt been able to do any of it as its been crazy around here. I tryed to take my name off the linky. But no go. I hope you did well at the Trade Fair. Thanks for the Tute hopfully I'II be able to get to it in the new year.


Greeat tutorial!!!! I do have a question...which Stitch & Wash do you use? The tear away or the water soluable? Thanks for the inspiration.


Hello, Kellie! I just came from the flickr site and I was wondering if you might consider giving us a hint on how the blocks will be going together. I noticed the comment you posted to the person withthe photo of the blocks morphing colors and how the blocks will be put together in vertical rows... I'd like to do the color morphing thing as well, and would really appreciate the hint! Thanks, Michele

rebecca bird

Hi Kellie

Just got my fusible Floriani today! (Tuesday 17th) Is anyone else having trouble making their points really pointy? Your photos and explanation are wonderful and I'm perservering but some of mine are not up too scratch and a little bit square i'm trying to make them nice and flat without too much glue and fiddling so when I applique I don't have any

Erica K

The tutorial is great. I can't say I want to do it by hand...we'll see. I wouldn't have won any prizes anyway! But I'm not sure I want to do my usual buttonhole stitch either. I've been 'away' for a week, and I've barely picked my fabrics! Looking forward to it though!


Thank you, I came across this tutorial as I was trying to do some hand applique.
I used your method, with the glue stick and Can't believe how well it worked.

I just appliqued cut-out hands ( of my little nieces and nephews) to put in a circle on a quilt I have finished for my parents 55th anniversary
It looks great !

thank you

flower Philippine

It looks fun to make this project!Thanks for sharing this tutorial.



What a fabulous project! Can't wait to start it now that I just found it!

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