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October 18, 2009


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kathy schwabeland

Ok......I love the block!! I love the colors!! I have always admired the Orange Peel! but I stink at needle turn applique.....if you have a way that even a chimp can do, then I am willing to give it a try! Put me down for it.... And I am gonna stock up on bananas, smile...

Kathy in Maryland, USA

Megan Kay

Count me in, never attempted anything like this before but I am willing to give it a go! Bring on the fun!

I have just discovered your blog. I just love your vibrant use of color. I would love to give this block a try. This is just the portable project that I have been looking for.

Beth in Swansea, Massachusetts USA


Count me in too, I'll give it a go, I like the idea of its portability.


btw I'm to be found at [email protected]


You had me at portable. Sign me up.


I'm interested and if anyone else is interested I think I know a better way to applique this than needleturn. At least it is what I intend to do. For my method of applique, there is a tutorial on my blog. It was for my Halloween project, but this method works well with other projects. I'm really excited about doing this orange peel. I love your colors and this design looks like a snap. Thanks.


Okay, normally I don't commit myself to these types of things, because I never end up finishing. I can't help myself this time, though! I will join in and the only new material I am going to purchase will be for the background, I'm going to use only materials from my stash. Welllll... that is unless I run across something that I know I just can't live without and will be perfect for the blocks! ;o)


Kellie, Count me in! I have been dying to make this quilt for a very very long time, and ... Thank YOU! I already had my fabric chosen and everything!
Valentina from Cyprus
(Great Hexagon Quilt Along 2)


I'd love to join in! I love the design of this block and think it will be a great scrap quilt!

Red Pepper Quilts

What a great design! Would love to have a go at this block, and definitely need a portable hand sewing project! Count me in too please.



This sounds like a really fun quilt project. I would love to give it a go. Please count me in.


I've been thinking about doing an orange peel and this is even better! Particularly if a chimp can do it!


I've actually been wanting to learn to make a orange peel quilt, and have had a hankering to do something more "traditional", so I'm in! yay!


Well, if a chimp can do it... maybe I can. :) Count me in... this should be fun!


Orange peel is the sort of challenge that would be good right now, so count me in. What fabric I use will be decided later, so until Later.


I'm all for it, it'll be great practice. I'm a beginner, but I am pretty fearless and it'll be great fun!


The orange peel blogk is lovely and it sounds manageable so I'd love to have a go - count me in please!


Ooooh I just can't resist such lovely project ! (I won't even try ;>) Besides, I won't let my dear friend Valentina make this quilt without me! HeeHee...
THANKS for this exciting project, and of course COUNT ME IN, please !

Nadine in Belgium.


I would like to join in as well! I have taken a needleturn applique beginner's class and would like something simple (not a lot of twists and turns) to practice on. Not to mention I love this block!


love to give this a try. we will see what time permits but would love the instruction and motivation.


I adore this block and I've been wanting to try something curvy! Count me in, please!! CHEERS! BTW, I hope the learning curve on this block isn't too steep! It totally looks crazy complex!


This sounds great!! I would love to participate. Thanks for setting it all up. It's going to be so fun. I'm looking forward to it.


Look at all that gorgeous Kaffe fabric you're using, you use it so well! I'd love to have a go at this, I don't really need to start another project, but having a portable one sounds appealing. I'm curious about the applique method as I haven't learnt needleturn applique yet. I think I will be the true test of whether or not even a chimp can master your easy method. LOL. Kelly :-)


I've been wanting to do an orange peel quilt for ages and just needed the incentive to get started. I just started driving my kids to lessons three times a week and have to wait around for nearly three hours, so this would be a perfect project.


Ok, I'm in! I'm really nervous though, but since my friend Kathy signed up FIRST! and asked me to join, I will. I love your style and colors and I've been aching to try your Lilly Pilly and Willow. My stash has taken a real turn since I started reading your blog! Bring on the peels!!! Citrus lovers unite! Handwork rocks! Woooo Hoooo!! Lisa in Maryland, USA


Hi! I've always loved the orange peel quilt, and I love hand applique so this is a definite for me. I love the bright colors you are using. Way excited for this to start. Thanks for including me. Mona


I *love* handwork, and the look of this quilt is outta sight. I'm going to try to play along, life might get in the way but I'll do my best.

Incidentally, I just purchased my first pattern of yours from Twiddletails and I can't wait to receive it. Your designs make me so happy.


I'd love to join in! I love the design of this block and think it will be a great scrap quilt! Hugs from France

sarah C

This sounds great! I have really been wanting to learn how to do turn edge applique but just havent worked up the energy to teach myself! Im so excited!


I'm almost done hand sewing my hexagons so I need a new take along project. I'm not very good at needle turn applique so I sure would love to learn like a chimp :)

I recently saw a quilt using the orange peel design and fell in love with it.


I think this would be so fun - I hope it won't be too complicated... as I would love to participate but am only a beginner quilter.


Your work is so beautiful! I recently found your blog and am mesmerized. I've just started quilting myself but love this design so much that I would really like to join the Quilt Along. As you can see, I'm a strong believer in jumping head first into projects ;)

Trish Lapp

I'm going to try this. I love that block and have lots of scraps to use up. Can't wait for more information.



mmm, I would have loved to join in, but too many Christmas projects on the go. If we can join a bit later and try to catch up I would be keen too :)

Maree @ Farmyardcrafts

It's seriously gorgeous... but i don't think I'm up for it! I still have the last quilt along sitting in a pile... can't remember when I started it!!!

I'd join in. I love to needleturn applique but I'm up for trying a different method. These nice big pieces should make for a stress free project.


it must be fate-- i have that very block saved in my inspiration folder where i keep the projects i plan to figure out when i get some free time. this is just the inspiration i need to get going! i'm in!


Count me in looks good and what is another project when I have so many on the go lol.


I've been wanting to try this pattern and I have some scraps looking for a project. Count me in.


In for a penny, in for a pound - Count Me In!!!!!


Oh so exciting! I've been lurking around blogland waiting for a quilt-along I could join in and this is just the ticket - thanks Kellie. (I've also been lurking here waiting for your Lilly Pilly pattern - so that's great news!!!)


I'd love to join in :) I've done lots of sewing in my time, but I'm a TOTAL novice when it comes to quilting & applique!
I live in Adelaide and discovered your blog & Hettie's Patch a few weeks ago, on the same day - it was a GOOD day ;) I would have loved to have met you IRL at HP - if only my children didn't have better social lives than I do (I'm playing taxi driver for them for a few weekends in a row with all the parties they need to attend - it's a hard life for a 4 & 6 yr old lol) So hopefully next time you come to Adelaide, I'll be able to join one of your classes...
Looking forward to the quilt along - ANY excuse for a visit to Hettie's Patch ;) (like I need an excuse lol)

Chriss Jasper

Yahoo!!:) This is one way to do something with you other than move house - way to go,girl. Sign me up for my first ever on line thingy! I am not an appliquer but I shall have a go at this. Thanks.


I loved Trish's version when I saw it on her blog and I've been keeping this one on my list since then so I'll play too. I'm sure I can manage it with my gazillion other projects.

Alison Harris

Can't wait for it to start!!!!!

Julie C

This looks and sounds great, please count me in.


Chimp here... ok, I know nothing about needleturn but now is just as good a time to learn as any -- or go check out Carroll's blog to see how she does applique. Besides, when I first saw this block on your blog the other day I knew it was one that I had to make (those fabrics are gorgeous!). There is also the fact that during the entire Christmas and New Year timeframe I'll be sitting at my in-laws miles away from home and my sewing machine, so this will certainly give me something to do.


I'm rather tempted.
It's a new technique for me and I do have rather a large pile of WIPs so not sure if I should sign up for this one.
But sign me up anyway and we'll see how I get on.
Love your work .... as always.
andi :-)


Hi Kellie, You know what I am going to have a crack at this!!Something I wouldn't normally do but the design and colours look just brilliant. Count me in.....!!!Kind Regards

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