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« I love trees ... | Main | Life's a circus ... and a celebration! »

August 15, 2009


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I just love your work! I still haven't started the valance for my daughter's bedroom. I'm hoping to get going on it in a few weeks when she goes back to school (yeah, me!).

Sue Bone

I love your new tree project and the heart motif that makes the outline. So cute.


What a great birthday party, I bet everything was a hit!!
I love the new pillow Love Grows Free - it is darling.
I so wish I could take a class with you - it would be fabulous.


Your kids get the best birthday parties EVER!

I got my how does your garden grow pattern in the mail this week and thank you SO much! It is like Christmas to win a giveaway! :0)


Great aprons, so pleased that your first workshop was a big success, woaw those ladies were very talented. Wish I could attend one of your workshop. Congratulations with your quilt in homespun, love your love birds. And one question, which fabric did you use for meg's garden?


Oh, my. Your work is just so beautiful. I love applique, and have made a couple of quilts using raw-edge applique, and they have taken a long time! So I am amazed by how quickly you make these stunning pieces. And the colors you use are so happy.


Oh so much fun you must have had at the class.. I know I wish I could have joined you all.. that would have been sooo much fun!!!! Love the tree...:o)
And I long for Homespun to arrive!!!! :o)


Ohmygosh Kellie, can you BE any busier!!! Those little aprons are adorable! I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven if I could be in one of your workshops!!!


Thank you for your long post, it was nice to read about what you have been up to. Jessie's birthday party looked like a lot of fun. Is it easy to throw a party for only the closest friends? What I am asking is whether it is difficult not to invite all friends and classmates etc.
Your new design was really cute!
Congratulations for making the front cover. You deserve it.
Take care (and please do not exhaust yourself).


Sweet aprons! I am looking forward to the tutorial. My 3yo loves to cook with me so I would love to make her something like this! I still need to make myself one, though, and stop using my clothes as an apron:)


Beautiful! I like it,

Great! Wonderful work,

liebe Grüße


Congratulations for getting your quilt on the front cover of a magazine! Oh and I love the sneak peeks of that other quilt.


Such a great deal of loveliness here! Happy Birthday to the twins once again!

Nicole Gendy

Sounds like a lot of fun going on with you! Too bad I live so far away (canada) because I would have loved hearing you speak.


Looks like fun! I wish I lived somewhere near you so I could take a class!


Cutest little aprons!! I love them!

Janet / What Comes Next

you've done it yet again! Your "Love Grows Free" is gorgeous!, and the girls' aprons - how cute are they??? Love the idea of a baking birthday party - looks like they all had a lot of fun!
I just wish you weren't so far away for me to attend a workshop with you...

Erin in MI

Looks like you've been busy!! So, the article in the mag - does that include a pattern? I'm confused about that I guess.

I love your work and I strive to be able to take pictures like you - someday!!

Tammy Spencer

How wonderful it must be to see your quilt (pattern) in such a remarkable magazine. Congrats.


Wowee, that's a lot of applique for one post! Beautiful. I think it's a real testament to your pattern that each one of those ladies' quilts looks fantastic. And of course your quilt is on the cover, it's gorgeous!


What a fun birthday party! I will have to remember that for next years round of birthdays.


The girls would have LOVED those aprons. Maybe I should whip up a few for my kids???

.... but then again maybe not. You've met my 17 year old.


Your work is so inspring. I love the colors and the details. Just stunning.


Kellie, it is so wonderful to see your star shining so brightly. You truly deserve the recognition you are getting. Wonderful pics of the childrenXX

Robyn Kirk

My granddaughters desperately need a pretty apron to wear at my house when we are 'cooking' as the teatowel (safety pinned around the neck trick) is wearing thin. I guess you have inspired me and I will have to create a couple. It is unlikely they will be as pretty as yours are. Congratulations on your success Kellie, your hard work and generosity is paying off. I am off to make Rainbow Lollipops for the said granddaughters.


After a long, hectic day filled with chattering little voices and constant reqyests for juice, snacks, help, wipe my fanny, etc.... it is so nice to sit down and look at such lovelyness..... now if I could get my little darlings to actually let me sew, I might be able to indulge my senses even more!


It looks like the birthday girl and her friends had a wonderful morning! I have only recently discovered your work and think it is exceptional! If you EVER do a workshop in Melbourne then I will be the first student there!!


The girls look so pretty in their frilly aprons, you are a good Mum!!! Love the heart tree too!


My dear! Hello from Russia! You do a great job!!! I like every things you do!!! With love from Russia Nika


The party looked like so much fun and the aprons are great!

I love the 'Love Grows Free' pattern. It's simple and sweet. There is not one pattern of yours that I don't like!


Oh Dear Kellie... don't fail me but I won't be quilting with gloves on ... can't stand them... Really looking forward to your class though. The baking party sounds like a great idea, trouble is my daughters birthday is late January and it is usually about 40 so baking won't be such a good idea then unless we just go out and sit in the sun lol... Love the apron's

dotti white

I have just recently discovered your blog and I think it is just absolutely stunning! You are so creative and i want to find some of your patterns! Have a wonderful weekend!


Every post you do is just so much fun to look at. The magazine cover is fantastic. I will have to get my hands on a copy of that one!


It seems like Don't Look Now has got a life of its own.
I'm glad you've managed to maintain a life of your own in amongst all the teaching and making and retailing and stuff.
Jessie's party looks like a ball. (Another Super Mum party, I'm sure).
It was lovely to run into you and Joshua at the Amitie fabric fest!!
See you again soon.
Andi :-)

Beth Dasecke

Hi Kellis sounds like the party was fun
love the cooking idea and I would love to make the apron for my dd Your calsses sound like loads of fun
please enter me in you next draw
hugs Beth


Looks like everyone had a good time at the workshop. I've got to get me some of those gloves!


You are an inspiring person! Lovely work! It looks like your daughter had a fabulous party. Thanks for the giveaway!


count me in please. I can't believe how beautiful your work is, it just keeps getting better and better.


Those little aprons are so pretty. Your little girl has such a gorgeous smile. It looks like they all had a great time!


Happy Birthday Miss Jessie! Those aprons are so darling - so girly! How do you find time to make patterns? My gosh your post had my head in a whirl, and I was only reading it, lol! What lovely, lovely things you create.

Amy Choe

Hm.. I like the new one. That may be my first to try raw edge applique. Hoping to win one of your patterns!

Tina Dillon

Hi Kellie,
I just adore your designs - so fresh, colourful and invigorating - truly inspirational. Here's hoping.

Megan Kay

Excellent party idea! Love the fact that it isn't 25 kids running around like wild things! Must remember that when my girls are a bit older. Love to see the pics from your classes as well, makes me excited for my own class with you in November - can't wait!


So dissapointed not to be able to catch up while you are here in ballarat next weekend. I'll be in sydney...but I'm sure it will be such a success that they have you back !!!


I am so happy for you Kellie that your designs are all going so well and that everyone loves making them too. I still havent started mine yet but I intend on doing so very soon. Your classes look as though everyone is relishing in all your wonderful help and teaching methods. I can just see your future very bright with perhaps your own quilting book one day! Oops nearly forgot to mention Happy Birthday to your birthday girl. She looked like she had a lot of fun and those aprons are so cute!


What a lovely way to celebrate a birthday. The girls will remember it well. Your pictures on the blog are so beautiful.


Looks like you're having a lot of fun! I just love to look at your posts...the colors of your designs just make me smile! Congrats!


Jessie's party looks like so much fun. You are creating great childhood memories for your children. Lovely photos of your work as well.


Wow what a great party. Looks like fun was had by all, its nice to have a different idea from the normal parties. I found your blog looking for applique ideas for a boy and must say i absolutely love your rocket pillow. Boys really do not have much to choose from as i am finding out. After spoiling 2 girls with nice stuff i am really struggling with boy ideas. Your work is beautiful and i look forward to watching out for what comes next!!


Kellie - I was really looking forward to this post and I wasn't disappointed. So much stuff is going on in your life! Congratulations to everything. I'm just puzzled how you do it all?? Greetings from Shanghai.

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