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  • Rocket Ship Pillow
  • Flower Garden Pillow
  • How to add a hanging pocket, make mitered joins & match stripes on binding strips!
  • Pointer Finger Pin Cushion
  • Kids Art Smocks

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February 26, 2008


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Fantastic!! Your first tutorial and it's beauty. I need to make one of these asap. Thanks.


What a great idea and a fantastic little tutorial!!! I want to make one of these ASAP too....


ohhhh great idea thanx...
luv Abby


Great idea for a pincushion! And loving the look of this quilt. I'm still to make the leap from square blocks.


Thanks for sharing. Little things like this make nice littler pressies for quilters and sewers!

Vickie E

that is an easy project..I am so glad you blogged it. thank you!


Love the little pin cushion - great idea and thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing. Now it's one of my favorite things.

Judy in Iowa

I love this! Im going to try it today! Thanks for the great tutorial. Even this beginner can make this! HUGS

Joanna Norman

May I post a link to this tutorial on my website ( Im making a page links to great gifts to make for quilters and Id like to put up a photos of this wonderful little pincushion and a link to your tutorial, giving your credit, or course! Thank you,

Bernie Shell

Thank you for this - I shall try it!


ich finder ihre arbeit sehr schön.


I love the practical creativity of this project!

Hi Kellie, I just made this tut, what a neat wee pincushion, i was a little over zealous with the stuffing (i was a little paranoid about pricking myself) but have sorted that out now. Thanks for another great tut.

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Bia Brazil

Tried the finger pin cushion and loved it! Tks!


A friend of mine gave all the quilt club members a finger pin cushion for Christmas. I really like them. I haven't been able to sew or do anything lately. In the past couple of days I have made 30 and have about 20 more sewed and a few turned.
I didn't know the directions were on line and I made up a set for a friend. Tonight I typed in finger pin cushion and your site came up.


this is the firs time i meet your site. aftter a few hours of searching here i found the exact thing i was looking for. thanks a lot


Thanks for sharing this. What a fun, quick, useful project! I am wearing mine right now.

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oh this is too cute, I want to make one now...I've never heard of the stabilizer stuff (but I'm kinda new to sewing)...I guess I'm going to have to find some!


Very cute and so functional! Thanks for sharing! I've posted a link at (Please let me know if that's a problem for you.)

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Thanks Kellie. I've made an army of them in Liberty.

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Wow... that is totally awesome. Very clever... great crafting!

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These are really cute and unique! Do you have plans so we can try them at home?


Thank you so much for your tutorial. Today I made two pin-cushions. Great idea :-)


I think the "Pointer Finger" pin cushion is so cute, can't wait to try it. Also, the quilt you are making for Joshua, what is the name of it?


this is a great tutorial Im going to do it today

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