Sorry for the delay in announcing the giveaway winners ... we spent the Easter break at a farm stay ...
near the 12 Apostles ....

... the beautiful Port Campbell in country Victoria ....
unfortunately I never had full internet access which made blog posting a little hard!!!!!
So without further delay the winners of the last post giveaway are ......
Elisa who left comment number 20...
LOVE all of them! Posting to my blog now! Where can I get these patterns in the US?
Posted by: Elisa | April 08, 2011 at 05:19 AM
Elisa also purchased a pattern during the giveaway period and also went to the trouble of linking to the post from her blog! Thank you Elisa! I will be sending Elisa a copy of the Family Tree pattern complete with a kit to make it up.

The second pattern which was Garden Gatheringwill be going to Kirsty who left comment number 91 ....
I love your patterns but am completely freaked out by raw-edge applique so have never purchased and tried one. Winning would be great -- it could get me started!
Posted by: Kristy | April 09, 2011 at 11:36 AM
Hopefully you wont be too freaked out to give the pattern a try Kirsty!

Last but by all means not least the pattern for Love goes to Barbara who left the 26th comment ....
Love the "project"! What a fantastic medium to learn the digestive system.
BUT......the "In Spring" quilt is OUT OF THIS WORLD!
Posted by: Barbara Holley | April 08, 2011 at 06:39 AM

Thank you to everyone who joined in! I really appreciate your support!
AQC has come and gone and I hope those of you who got to go along enjoyed it as much as I did! If you attended you would have seen several of my designs on the Ballarat Patchwork stand and ...
the In Stitches of Williamstown stand ....

If you take a look at the back wall of this stand you will see my latest design which is called Animal Alphabet .... I hadn't intended to formally release this pattern until Spring Market .... but market is so close now it hardly makes any difference so ..... Ta da!!!!!!

Animal Alphabet ... I hope you love it as much as I do!!!!
Seeing this post has turned out to be another new release blog post I guess we should have another giveaway!!!!!! Let's make it the same rules as the previous one ....
If you leave a comment on this post between now and 12MN on the 4th of May 2011 (Australian EST) you will go in the draw for one of the patterns from the three small projects that I have been teaching from this year;
Family Tree
Garden Gathering
If you purchase any one of my patterns from either myself or any one of my retailers during the course of this giveaway and you are chosen as a winner then you will also receive a kit to finish the project. To be eligible to win the kit you will also need to email at [email protected] , notifying me of the purchase - please title your email Pattern Purchase Blog Giveaway so that I don't miss it! You can also increase your chances by gaining an extra 2 entries if you mention and link to the giveaway on your blog - you will need to email me to let me know that you did this - please title your email Blog Mention and include the link to the post.
The winners will be drawn randomly from the comments placed during giveaway period.
Good luck guys!
Edit ...Laura from In Stitches of Williamstown has just let me know that she is also having a giveaway on her blog that has a DLN theme ... definitely worth a visit!!! Laura also has fabric packs for Animal Alphabet for those of you keen to get started!
I also am looking for some help with things that we will be needing for the stand at next months Spring Market ... when I asked for help last year with the Fall Market stand I got stacks of offers for help at market in Salt Lake City ... sadly when my computer broke down a couple of months ago I lost all of the contact details of those who offered help .... so hopefully you are all out there still reading along and still willing to lend a hand ... we will be needing;
* two small step ladders
* a trolley
* one or two small white book cases
* extension cords & power boards
plus a few other odds and ends ... please email me at [email protected] if you think you may be able to help and I'll let you know the full details .... plus let you in on my end of the bartering arrangement :) ....
Thanks everyone and good luck with the giveaway!!!
That looks so fun. I really like your style of the applique. I love the robot quilt as well. I have to say that girl quilts are EVERYWHERE and it is really refreshing to see a cute boy quilt... because lets face it those little boys love our quilts as much or more? than our girls. Probably because those girls change their mind too much :) Thanks for the giveaway and I really like your block. It did look simple and it would be a great scrap buster.